♡♡♡HAPPY TAILS: FRANK aka FRANKIE!!♡♡♡Mary and Fritz adopted FRANK from HBR just over a year ago. As he celebrates his Gotcha Day, we checked in with the family to say hello and find out how Frankie is doing! Mary shared with us that Frank’s favourite things to do are playing ball and snuggling up beside them! Of course! She goes on to explain: “Frank is such a fun loving dog. He is obsessed with his ball and loves us to put it in the shallow end of our pool – he then jumps in and grabs it like a shark. We have 2 other rescue dogs and due to his loving nature he has become best friends with them. He’s such a happy dog – he wakes up every morning excited for the day wagging his tail. He also loves to sleep on our bed and always has to be next to me when we go to bed at night. He makes everyone smile.” “Frank fit in really well right away with our 2 other rescue dogs and our family (we have a 8 year old son who adores him). Unfortunately he came from a bad situation as many rescues do so was very fearful of loud noises, and strangers (especially men). He would run and hide and shake nervously. He has gotten much better but we are still working on it. He is also frightened to leave our property – it’s been a year and we are still working on it but we are slowly making progress. I’m lucky enough to work from home (even before COVID) so I have been able to spend a lot of time with Frank.”When asked to share some advice with potential adopters, Mary shard: “be patient and understanding- many rescues have been through dramatic experiences – it can take a long time for them to have trust in you (and rightly so). Many of these dogs have never had a loving home or a bed to sleep in – show them love and they will love you back unconditionally. They may have accidents on your carpet and floor but don’t get mad at them and give up – give it time and they will learn. There is nothing more fulfilling for me than to see that wagging tail and know that we were able to help in some way. We are so thankful that HBR allowed us to adopt Frank. He’s a very special dog and we love him dearly.”We are so happy to hear how great FRANK is doing with his forever family! He is clearly very loved and is so lucky to have found his home! Thank you for choosing adoption! If you are considering adoption, please visit our website and learn more about our adoptable dogs! www.homewardboundrescue.ca