Almost available for adoption: Parker A note from foster mom:Parker is finding his legs ..
while he goes on long walks using his wheelie, he does hang out in the backyard and in the park on short walks on his own with no trouble. We have a predictable schedule for bathroom breaks which make the diapers not too much of a hassle at all. He loves, loves, loves anything cuddly – he will pull towels off of the racks and sneak away quietly (as if no one can see him
) and pull blankets off of the sofa to cuddle in. We also often find him sleeping in laundry baskets. He also loves to pile toys up in his bed. Parker Is a super fast learner – he opens cupboard doors and unzips backpacks. No one should underestimate him – don’t let the diapers and wheelie discourage you – He is a fabulous pal and really entertaining.