Meet HBR’s CLEMENTINE!!!”Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” — Willie Nelson
Likes:Mellow people -“life is too short for drama and theatrics”Liver treats – will literally walk on water for one of these!! *drooling*Lounging around & people watching – “Shhhh!, I can give you the down low on everything happening in the neighborhood. You won’t BELIEVE what Karen said to her husband the other day…..”Organic Gardening
Dislikes:Pigeons Evil. Just pure evil. That is all I have to say about that.loud noises- “One time, while I was minding my own business, the printer in my foster parents office started making terrible noises. It scared me, but I knew I had to be brave. I slowly went to investigate, my people were depending on me! However, when I arrived at the printer you won’t believe what happened! It assaulted me! Yup, a piece of paper came out of nowhere and bopped my nose!! I barked at it for approximately 3 hrs – as you do. The printer has not dared to mess with me since, but loud noises still make me nervous to this very day!”From HBR:Clementine is a sweet and well behaved girl and she also has a condition called cleft lip and palate. Her case is mild and her condition does not stop her from living a full life, but it does require her to keep her exercise at a minimum, especially on hot days. Clementine is house trained and can be trusted alone in the house, but she might bark a bit at first. Clemy is described as a delight, she is so happy to see her people and greets you with the wiggliest bum you ever did see!She gets along well with other mellow dogs (but would like to be the only dog so all the attention goes to her) and she has not be exposed to cats yet.If you would like to learn more about CLEMENTINE, please visit our website or click the Adoptable Dogs tab!